Basic Defender Strategy
For Dik Diks
Staking in the defender pool is essentially a neutral EV (expected value) proposition. This means that over time, most defenders should end up close to break-even. This is especially true as more defenders enter the pool, as this results in the chance of your defender being selected for battle becoming smaller.
That being said, like all games that use randomness, it is possible to have streaks where you are very lucky or very unlucky.
Strategy Tip 1
Odds are most in favor of defenders when counter-attacks are evenly distributed across all move types. When selecting your counter-attack, it is best to select a move that will not make the pool imbalanced. For instance, if the defender pool currently has:
You are better off selecting THRUST as your counter-attack, as that will make the pool balanced.
Strategy Tip 2
Monitor the defender pool regularly.
As mentioned above, if the pool becomes unbalanced attackers have better odds of selecting a winning attack. You can update your defense once per hour so if you see that the pool is imbalanced in a way where your counter-attack is more prevalent than another, you should change your move to something that will balance the pool
Strategy Tip 3
As you accumulate $COQ passively from failed attack attempts, you have more value at risk. This is especially true if you have a successful defense.
Monitor your stake, and remove your defender to collect rewards when the rewards outweigh the cost of gas to unstake/restake.
Last updated