Basic Attacker Strategy

For Pepe Portraits

Attackers in Dik Dik Defense have a distinct advantage in that they can monitor the defense pool and attack when the counter-attacks selected by defenders become unbalanced.

A perfectly balanced pool presents a negative EV (expected value) attack, but EV can greatly increase as the pool becomes more and more unbalanced.

Strategy Tip 1

Watch for pool imbalances and attack when the odds are in your favor. If one move is far more common in the pool than the others, select an attack that will defeat that move and mount your attack.

Strategy Tip 2

Defenders can only update their defense once per hour, but attackers can attack every 15 minutes. If you see a pool imbalance that results in a positive EV, attack until the advantage is gone.*

*Disclaimer: Just because a positive EV opportunity exists does not guarantee a win, but simply means that over many attempts you are likely to come out ahead. Do not stake more $COQ than you are willing to lose under any circumstance.

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